Stock market can be quite volatile at times, and is one of the riskiest method of investing. Many investors fall prey to the stock market, losing a lot of their money, while some of the investors have gone on to make millions in the stock market. So what is it, that differentiates the successful investors from the not-so-successful ones? It is the businesses that they invest in . The investors who lose their money in the stock market are mainly the ones that really don't know what they are doing, and are basically looking for a quicker way to get rich. The successful investors know what they are doing, and first know about the company before investing in it. Keeping these 5 Points in mind before investing in a company can save you from losing all your money in the stock market- Reading the Annual Report- The Annual Report of a Company shows the company's audited financial statements, that is its Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account, as well as the management...
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